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3 Tips for Identifying Foot Pain

3 Tips for Identifying Foot Pain

The summer just flew by and we’re already in the grips of what is promising to be an early winter. If you’re like most people, winter tends to be a time of the year where we slow down and adopt a more sedentary lifestyle. When you couple a gradual or sudden decrease...

3 Misconceptions about Diabetes

3 Misconceptions about Diabetes

Did you know that over 30 million people in the United States are living with either type of diabetes? Considering the staggering statistics in the U.S. alone, it’s important to know as much as you can about diabetes even if you haven’t been diagnosed yourself. You...

Top 3 Tips To Get the Right Fit

Top 3 Tips To Get the Right Fit

Over the course of this coming winter season, the elements are likely going to take a toll on your poor, unsuspecting shoes. As a pair of shoes is worn daily, used heavily, and exposed to things like rain, sweat, and dirt, their once vibrant and supportive structures...

3 Signs You Have Wide Feet

3 Signs You Have Wide Feet

Have you found yourself wondering if you’ll ever find a pair of shoes that will be truly comfortable? If this feels true to your experience, listen up! There are a few tell-tale signs to look out for when it comes to identifying whether or not you may have been buying...

Turning Heads with Laser Therapy

Turning Heads with Laser Therapy

If you feel like everywhere you turn when you’re looking into what can be done to ‘fix’ your foot or ankle problem tends to lead to surgery, you’re not alone and you’re not wrong. While there have been major advancements in the world of podiatric medicine and beyond,...

Fixing Plantar Fasciitis, a Real Pain

Fixing Plantar Fasciitis, a Real Pain

Anytime you have pain, it’s an indication something is wrong. This goes double for your feet and especially for something called plantar fasciitis. What is plantar fasciitis? It is the inflammation of the tissue that connects your heel bones to your toes. One symptom...

Identifying and Treating Hammertoes

Identifying and Treating Hammertoes

If you have a toe which is bent abnormally, you may have something called hammertoe. What is a hammertoe? A hammertoe is a deformity of one or two joints in your 2nd, 3rd or 4th toes. A hammertoe can be painful. Causes of a hammertoe include: Tight-fitting shoes –...

Recognizing and Treating Athlete’s Foot

Recognizing and Treating Athlete’s Foot

With school back in session, many of our children will be participating in sports. This can be a perfect time to start looking for signs of athlete’s foot. What is athlete’s foot? Athlete’s foot, also known as tinea pedis, is a fungal infection of the foot that can be...

Battling Bunions

Battling Bunions

If you have a painful bump on the joint of your big toe, you may have what is called a bunion. Bunions are caused when your big toe pushes against the next toe causing the big toe joint to develop a bump. Causal factors for a bunion include: High-heeled shoes – pushes...